I have been honored for over two decades to guide clients toward greater happiness, health, and flourishing and I can help you too.

I understand how hard it is to juggle life’s responsibilities and not lose yourself in the process.

Learn more about Positive Psychology Coaching (PPC) here.


For over forty years I’ve been honored to guide others to realize greater levels of happiness, health, well-being and flourishing.

My clients are from all walks of life and represent a wide cross section of the human experience.

Whether I am guiding a client through a family crisis, a life transition, or taking any number of positive forward-looking steps for positive change, my clients come first and are always honored, valued, and respected.

I’ve helped clients connect to what really matters to them, their most aspirational dreams, and I can also help you gain clarity, inspiration, motivation and personal growth to develop positive strengths, goals, and solutions.

I’m a certified Positive Psychology coach and I love what I do. My extensive personal and professional experience has inspired and prepared me to guide my clients on their path to flourishing.

After bouncing back from my own personal tragedy, my passion and energy for many years has been focused on how I can support others on their own journey through challenge, and into flourishing.

I have worked hard to develop a wide range of skills that work synergistically to optimize your potential and align you with your purpose in life.


  • As an 1980 alumni of the University of Wisconsin Helen Bader School of Social Welfare, researching, studying (Women’s & Law Studies minors), and working (District Attorneys Office internship) with shared beliefs in humanity and social welfare values (Helen was a true pioneer) that Helen developed professionally through her visionary commitment to create a society in which each individual has an equal opportunity to achieve their highest human potential.

  • My many years of NYC-based DOT.com project leadership working in the corporate telecom and technology world allows me to appreciate the unique challenges inherent in today's fast-moving, outcomes-driven, social-media presence business environment.

  • As an ICT-compliant WholeBeing Institute certified Positive Psychology coach, I have learned how to apply the remarkable advances in modern psychology to the challenges of twenty-first century life. The emerging science of positive psychology is delivering evidence-based and simple strategies to enhance flourishing in all aspects of our lives. As a Positive Psychology Coach my approach uses the best available research, tools & processes to guide my clients towards achieving a significant goal, managing a tricky transition, or making any positive change towards whatever is next.

  • As a certified Master in Feng Shui (BTB M.F.S.)with over twenty years of experience assisting clients in aligning their environment and their wellbeing. The profound insights of ancient Taoist philosophy and psychology have deepened my understanding our relationship to nature, and ourselves. The hallmarks of my success included consistently creating results that exceeded client expectations (over 50, 5 Star HOUZZ reviews) and listening for what matters the most to the client.

  • As a certified Yoga Instructor (RYT-200) and many years as a semi-professional classical ballet dancer have taught me the importance of listening and responding to the messages held in our bodies.

  • As a serious student of Tibetan Buddhism for more than twenty-five years I have had the great fortune to have received profound teachings from compassionate Tibetan teachers who have widened and deepened my understanding of the mind-body-spirit connections and how ancient wisdom can be applied in a modern context.

  • As a wife, mother, sister, and child I have learned the lessons of the human heart. My life has brought so many blessings and opportunities to grow through both the joys and challenges of being on this human and spiritual  journey we call life.

When I am not coaching you can find me meditating, out in nature continually healing my mind, body & spirit, forest-bathing, hiking, ocean swimming, researching, writing, traveling, or spending time with my three dogs, my four adult children, grandson, and my loving life partner of over twenty years!